The base url that will be used to make requests to the Onspring API.
The api key that will be used to authorize requests made by this client.
_clientclient - The axios instance that will be used to make requests to the Onspring API.
The request that will be used to add or update the list item.
addOrUpdateListItem - Adds or updates a list item depending on if an id is provided or not.
deleteThe endpoint that will be used to make the request.
The configuration that will be used to make the request.
delete - Makes a DELETE request to the specified endpoint.
The id of the record that the file is held on.
The id of the field that the file is held in.
The id of the file to delete.
deleteFileById - Deletes a file by its id.
The id of the list that the list item belongs to.
The id of the list item to delete.
deleteListItemById - Deletes a list item by its id.
The id of the app that the record belongs to.
The id of the record to delete.
deleteRecordById - Deletes a record by its id.
The id of the app that the records belong to.
The ids of the records to delete.
deleteRecordsByIds - Deletes records by their ids.
getThe endpoint that will be used to make the request.
The configuration that will be used to make the request.
get - Makes a GET request to the specified endpoint.
The id of the app to get.
getAppById - Gets an app by its id.
The paging request that will be used to get the apps.
getApps - Gets a paged list of apps.
The ids of the apps to get.
getAppsByIds - Gets a list of apps by their ids.
The id of the field to get.
getFieldById - Gets a field by its id.
The id of the app to get the fields for.
The paging request that will be used to get the fields.
getFieldsByAppId - Gets a paged list of fields by an app id.
The ids of the fields to get.
getFieldsByIds - Gets a list of fields by their ids.
The id of the record that the file is attached to.
The id of the field that the file is attached to.
The id of the file to get.
getFileById - Gets a file by its id.
The id of the record that the file is attached to.
The id of the field that the file is attached to.
The id of the file to get the information for.
getFileInfoById - Gets a file's information by its id.
The request that will be used to get the record.
getRecordById - Gets a record by its id.
The request that will be used to get the records.
getRecordsByAppId - Gets records by an app id.
The request that will be used to get the records.
getRecordsByIds - Gets records by their ids.
The id of the report to get.
The data format that the report data will be returned in.
The type of data that will be returned.
getReportById - Gets a report by its id.
The id of the app to get the reports for.
The paging request that will be used to get the reports.
getReportsByAppId - Gets a paged list of reports by the app id.
postThe endpoint that will be used to make the request.
The data that will be sent with the request.
The configuration that will be used to make the request.
post - Makes a POST request to the specified endpoint.
putThe endpoint that will be used to make the request.
The data that will be sent with the request.
The configuration that will be used to make the request.
put - Makes a PUT request to the specified endpoint.
The request that will be used to query for records.
getRecordsByQuery - Gets records by a query.
The request that will be used to save the file.
saveFile - Saves a file to a record in Onspring.
The record or request that will be used to save the record.
saveRecord - Saves a record.
OnspringClient - A client that can communicate with the Onspring API.